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Mkhukhu Pizza: authentically kasi

Mkhukhu Pizza is a kasi-styled pizzeria in the heart of Orange Farm. An inventive idea fuelled by Themba Limekhaya’s love for pizza, as well as a need to find an easier way to enjoy it without having to travel to the nearest shopping complex, which is an added expense.

Limekhaya says, “I always wanted to have my own business with a unique name that appeals to my target market and represents where it’s made- Mkhukhu Pizza did exactly that.”

The mouth-watering pizza can compete with the rest, and its various pizza flavors are just as appealing as the other popular brands. The Mkhukhu Pizza selection includes:

  • Ground Beef Mince pizza,
  • Chicken Mayo pizza,
  • Bacon pizza,
  • Vegetarian Pizza
  • Russian pizza

He comments, “the great thing about my business is that it’s convenient. People can get pizza in their own area, without needing to go to the mall or shopping complex- which works out cheaper.” Another plus is that during load-shedding, it’s still business as usual, thanks to his off-grid oven system. “We are doing it our way. The packaging is funky, and our outdoor set-up of tables and chairs allows them to sit and eat in – so we are proudly kasi,” Limekhaya emphasises.

Limekhaya’s competitive advantage other than location and his in-demand products is the price point. A small pizza is R30, a medium pizza is R50, and a large pizza is R70. The payment options also add to the convenience – customers can EFT, swipe, or pay cash. The downside is that he doesn’t deliver, however, he plans to offer delivery in the near future.

His marketing method is simple, he uses word of mouth and various social media platforms. The beautiful thing is that Mkhukhu Pizza’s core culture is humanity, quality customer service, and valuing his customer’s thoughts and feedback. He maintains that he wants to hear from his existing and potential customers. “I encourage them to share their experience and what they expect from not just the brand but the products as well,” Limekhaya points out.

Mkhukhu Pizza is a product of love, passion, and patience. It’s also how Limekhaya is navigating past his fear of failure and finding effective ways to market the business. He explains “I was born to think it is not easy to get support, especially in areas like mine. Even though I am new here, and Mkhukhu Pizza isn’t like the other popular brands, this is my entrepreneurship journey, and when I started, I prayed for strength to pull it off.”

Does he view himself as successful? He believes that success isn’t just about making money. It’s about starting a business that solves a problem and meets a demand which means it will still operate even when he is not around. “Success isn’t just about being wealthy, having properties, and living a healthy lifestyle, it’s the fact that my business has created sustainable jobs and could have branches in other townships,” he adds.

Seeing this kind of business in the townships is encouraging, so what is his recipe for success? Limekhaya says that success starts from having a passion and drive to start something that solves a problem but also adds value. He explains that it’s about having a unique selling proposition.

When asked about his favorite part of being an entrepreneur and running Mkhukhu Pizza, Limekhaya says, “My favorite aspect is that there are no shortcuts in entrepreneurship. You need to be able to take risks and be willing to accept failure and learn from your mistakes.”

Limekhaya is living his entrepreneurship dream. “I am networking and going places, and I’m starting to make sense of this entrepreneurship experience. I love that I’m contributing positively to my township, and even though we are not like urban areas, we are doing it our way, kasi style,” he concludes.


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