Gog Lilly – Natural Peanut Butter 350g
This natural peanut butter is perfect for those who appreciates the authentic taste of pure peanuts. Enjoy it on its own or use it as a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes.
R65,00 -
Mtswako Green Juice (300ml x 1)
A freshly made product that is made of Natural ingredients with no colorants and doesn’t contain any preservatives, it helps with the Boosting of the immune system
R25,00 -
Mtswako Juice (300ml x1)
A freshly made product that is made of Natural ingredients with no colorants and doesn’t contain any preservatives, it helps with the Boosting of the immune system
R25,00Mtswako Juice (300ml x1)
R25,00 -
Mtswako Juice – Booster Shot (100ml x 1)
A freshly made product that is made of Natural ingredients with no colorants and doesn’t contain any preservatives, it helps with the Boosting of the immune system
R20,00 -
Mtswako Juice – Booster Puree (235g x 1)
A freshly made product that is made of Natural ingredients with no colorants and doesn’t contain any preservatives, it helps with the Boosting of the immune system
R60,00 -
Raw Honey Cinnamon – 330g
Enjoy our South African RAW HONEY for it’s natural sweetness and health benefits. Boost your immune system this winter by mixing RAW HONEY with warm water & lemon. Great as a facemask with turmeric, or simply buy our turmeric honey. Always choose high-quality raw and unfiltered honey to enjoy nature’s wonderful benefits
R95,00Raw Honey Cinnamon – 330g
R95,00 -
Beet Fresh – Juice & Wellness Shots
3 Day Cleanse: 6 x300ml Juice, 6 x300ml Smoothie, 6 x 50ml wellness shots