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Success is not just skin deep

DeeMpho skin care, founded by Dikeledi and Mpho Bokaba is an organic skincare range that aims to bring out the best in their customers.

According to the duo, their philosophy in business is that a healthy skin equates to a healthy life. The pair distribute DeeMpho skincare under their holding company Bobaka Brands which was established in 2019. The holding company also houses a detergents range Star Cleaner.

“Our aim when starting this business was to create a range that caters for both genders, all skin types and solve a wide range of skincare issues. Our range to date includes cleansing gels, Aloe infused products and day and night creams that are ideal for hydrating, moisturising and rejuvenating the skin,” explains Mpho.

The driving force behind them, says Mpho is the intention to build a family business that can grow from generation to generation.

“We offer our customers good quality products and seeing others making a living in terms of earning money as employees or business partners in the business is a big inspiration.”

It’s no surprise that the couple says that when it comes to growing their customer base they focus on offering professional services and good products that people love. Part of their marketing tools include WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, door-to-door, street challenges, posters and flyers. However, the most effective one they say has been Facebook. “We can reach out even to clients who are far from us.”

Working through the challenges

When asked what gives them ‘entrepreneurship anxiety’, the couple say it is not being able to sufficiently provide for the family but the only way to overcome it is through team work. “We also pray every day before we leave and invite God in everything we do. We acknowledge that we get our strength from him and he moves with us. Another good source of motivation the book Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Like every entrepreneur there are sacrifices but likewise, moments that make it special adds Mpho include the thrill from the whole process running successfully, “From the products to the customers, from the uncertainty of what a new day brings forth and not forgetting the networking and meeting different people every day.”

However the end result where customers are happy with their offerings is a definite highlight.

“Looking at the growth and where business is 3 years after conception, we can say the hard work, persistence, resilience and consistency is paying off. I always say if you put in the work you will see results.”

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